Sunday 7 October 2012

Vacances Diary #1

Every year our company provided us privileges for a 1 month vacation. Mine was set in this month of October and I was just really so happy that finally I can rest and free myself from a very tiring, over-crowded, instantaneous ER duties. For the first week of my vacation, here are some of the things that keeping me busy and distracted (whew!).


Those who are close to me knows how I was so vocal and eager to practice Yoga. This vacation gives me the whole opportunity to learn and do it. I love how the new technology evolved through generation cause it provides so much convenience. By the use of my iPhone, i easily downloaded basic techniques for beginners and it really can help. I also downloaded relaxing music for my meditation. 
Yoga Classes here in Al Ain is quite expensive so, i opted to do it my own way. Kinda frustrating at first and boring but i can still handle it.After all  I'm a soloist at heart.


I am neither the super smart girl in college nor the bookworm and nerdy.I am just the plain-average thingy kind who develop the love and interest for reading through constant practice because "I want to belong".  Every time i finished one book that truly inspires me I felt so much joy and content and probably that's the reason why I am seeking for a good reads that can give me the same feeling of contentment. I remember reading "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho, and "Tuesdays with Morrie", "For one more day" by Mitch Albom. Those were my highly recommended books that until now became my inspiration every moment I start a novel. Also, kudos to one of my favorite author Mitch Albom. I finished the book "Time keeper" and I love the ending so much. Next in line, The Lost Years by Mary Higgins Clark and of course The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Part of my meditation is to be grateful and thanks to Cherry Rose for recommending the book.


Isn't she adorable?of course she is.The cutest baby we love and yes, i became her nanny at times whenever her mom visit us in our accommodation. I love how cute and behave she was when I baby sit her. probably because she was just 3 mos old?


It was my first time to visit green mubazzarah and I was so disappointed with my self for not coming here often. The place was a gift and a great escape from my stressful environment(ER). I live here for almost 2 years and never did came across my mind to pay a visit. How i wished we arrive a little bit early so i can appreciate more the place in the daylight. I can be able to ride the camel, and there's a "kalesa" too but theirs was more bonggacious "feeling Kate Middleton" ang peg. 
eating chicken tikka with kubos..


Apart from internet surfing,blogging,job hunting. I also learn to appreciate the color Blue. I'm feeling blue at the moment and there's nothing I can do but to love and get used to it. Blue is also happen to be my ate jean's color motiff on her wedding.YEY!

this candle made me relaxed and it has a cool water like smell

I polished my nails with this royal blue color

I got myself a new skirt..of course royal blue.

 I love to have coffee with someone in here..

I love Red mango a lot better than pinkberry. Still so glad, I've been loving yogurt ice cream since 2010.

cherry on cold,liquid diet after her tooth got

trying out Nando's chicken...I asked the waiter what's the meaning of peri-peri. He said, "SPICY".

I think that's all..looking forward for more and more fun-filled learning experiences. Life is Beautiful and so live while we are


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