Sunday 28 February 2016

Business Conference with Peter Irvine

(A rare opportunity to meet the man behind Gloria Jeans Coffee. Peter Irvine).

Way back after college, I was so eager to earn extra that I ended up selling imported perfumes and fashion clothes, so I got into buy and sell Victoria secret body mist and bath and body works cologne. I have no idea about business then and still pursuing it because at that time that was my heart's desire, another thing I love fashion and trendy clothing for my self. As a matter of fact I am very challenge that a friend of mine is now a successful online seller for imported goods and clothing from USA.

The funny thing is that, because of little knowledge or no knowledge at all I always ended up paying the unpaid dues of my customers. Online market is not as popular those days so most of my client were relatives, colleagues, and friends. It explains why I ended up paying for them. Anyhow, I also engaged myself into networking business (I was a member of Royale in the Philippines) and still didn't get customers because of my poor salesmanship (or in tagalog hindi ako marunong mambola). Actually I got one client and she was consistent because of Glutathione's demand in the market (Thanks and credit to Kathy, I must say, di pa rin ako kulelat, lol!).

Currently while I am here in UAE, my business interest stirred up once more and even got myself into trouble when I invested the money I borrowed from the bank and just lost it. Same story with the condo unit I started paying on the first quarter of 2014 but end up discontinuing it because I can't afford anymore the monthly equity though I was hoping it could be a way for a passive business income in the future.

Again, I am inspired to pursue my dream in this risky adventure of business and even saved money for it even though I still have this feeling of ambivalence or uncertainties.

As of this writing, I realised that I have failed always on business ventures I involved my self in. I mostly and always ended up losing it. I was even thinking that this kind of journey is not meant for me or maybe not the will of the Lord. However, even within those qualms I have questioned my self that if it is not for me why it is in my hearts desire ever since. However, there is no doubt that when I started desiring about business, I'm not a believer yet so I totally have no idea of the authority that God has given to us His Children when He raised Jesus from the dead. In the book of Proverbs, it says that, "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps ". All our ways might seem pure in our own eyes, but the Lord knows our motives and weighs our hearts. My intention  perhaps is not in line of what God's purpose in me during those times. It reminds me of His word that in everything we do we have to do it for the Glory of God, even for business ventures. I believe now that whatever thing we involved ourselves it should always and must something that can benefit the Kingdom of God and not of our own nor my own worldly interest. I admit, I still struggle with my worldly interest at times. I am not a perfect vessel yet but He is working that out for me coz He is the author and finisher of my faith.

In this first business conference we attended, We had a rare opportunity to hear from Peter Irvine himself, the co-founder of Gloria Jeans Coffee. I have learned few points that the enemy would try to do to discourage us. First, the enemy make us believe that what we are doing is not God's will. Yes, it came to a point that whenever I think of business it is not God's will for me base on the mentioned unfortunate events happened on my past and present ventures. Second, the enemy will make us believe that we are wasting time and so we tend to give up and lose hope. and lastly, the enemy will make us believe our motives are wrong. Yes, our motives. That is why we have to check our motives because where our treasure is, there our heart will be also.  It should be something for God's Glory and honour.

I would like to end this with a verse from Psalm 37:4 " Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart". 

 Enjoy God's presence in our lives and put your heart to His service because this is what Glorifies Him. Remember, we are His children and we already inherited the promise.

May He grant you your heart's desire and fulfill your plans!- Psalm 20:4

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