Friday 1 June 2012

Birthday Resolution..

Yes! My birthday is in 5 days time. I’m 25 and still counting. But oh oh..  im getting older each year. Never had I felt the happiest times in my early 20’s. I was occupied thinking and worrying what the future might bring and here I am realizing I was busy making my life so much complicated all these years. How am I supposed to stop it? Honestly, I’m tired of dramas. Life is so short and I am damn wasting it every single day.

Oh God…Please help me…

Here are some solutions I can think of to attract happiness:

1.       Watch feel-good movies
2.       Avoid negative people- it attracts negative vibes.
3.       Stop listening too emotional songs
4.       Stay away from chatting and gossiping other people- karma always awaits
5.       Past is always past and learn the lesson instead of studying alone. Does it make sense?
6.       Do and say not just saying it all the time.

As my favorite cliché always reminds me.. “ its never too late to begin”. Today is the start of my new and another chapter of life. I hope this time I can make a cool and different story.

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