Thursday 21 November 2013

Put your Faith into Action

"I was on the beach with my family when I saw a group of people gathered together in the sea. There was a girl encircled by three elders (by their looks and appearances) and after a couple of minutes, she was immersed in the water for a second. As she was lifted up to grasp some air, the people around were clapping their hands and uttered some words that at that time I did not look a second to understand".

I ask my Mom what they were doing and she told me, some religious practices of Born Again Christians and they were baptizing each person, symbolized their change of belief and membership in the church. She also added, not to attend on such practices and to avoid them as much as I could (Without knowing that I would become one of them). In my curiosity, I did not bother to ask her furthermore as to why, who and what they believed. All my questions and words that left unspoken was answered little by little as I walk in to the path of what we called LIFE. Perhaps, it is God's given destiny that I will know Him by my own free will. Not by an influenced of a church member/denominations, a priests, pastors, friends, family members, boyfriend, but my own self. I seek His face. I seek Him with all my heart in times, when darkness overshadowed me. 

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" Jeremiah 29:13

Now that I found and knew Jesus Christ, by the wisdom and understanding that only God the father showed to those who love and truly seek Him, I decided to give up everything and follow my Lord. I give up my old self and that includes my sinful nature and have decided to be BORN AGAIN. I raised my faith supernaturally and put it into action by obeying God's command and that is to be Baptized by water. I can boldly say, its God's command and It was in TFJ's faith house when God revealed it to me. Even from the very start I confessed my faith, I already planned for baptism but the vision God gave me was clearly showed how important for a believer to be baptized. When God tells you to do something, DO IT. Every steps we take are ordered by God and I know I'm one step ahead of you. 

Many of my friends or even a lot of people would probably asked why do Christians need to be baptized in water?or re-baptized if they already was (as infants) or what's the point of being immersed in the water if you already knew and believed in God and accepted Him as your lord and savior? Simple. Again Obedience. Jesus Christ set an example to us and to the world  by being baptized even though He was without sin. It is the first phase every believer should do to fulfill all righteousness, to be born again (Matt 3:13-17 about baptism of Jesus Christ).  Water baptism symbolizes new birth. The death of a person's sinful life and the rebirth of spiritual life. It also symbolizes Christ's death and resurrection. As it is written:

Romans 6:3-6
Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin

I put my faith in action. I admit that I am a sinner and by the Grace of God, I am forgiven. Nobody forced me to be baptized, and it was clear to me that baptism in water is not for membership in any congregation or church contrary to my previous perception. I, willingly offered my life to the lamb who once took His life for me. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me(Gal 2:20). Therefore, I am a new creation. The old self has gone and the new is here (2 Cor 5:17). I am BORN AGAIN. 

On my previous blog, I declare that God will do something to me supernaturally and there must be 
a big and significant reason as to why I am here in Dibba. Aside from oceans are close to my heart, It is where I was baptized and my God's given destiny was fulfilled. 

I choose to be baptized early morning as the sun rises symbolizes new day and new beginning. I thank the Lord God, for giving me a family in Christ (my beloved CSC) who was there and are witnessed to my undying faith and love to the Lord. As I was being immersed in the water, I only felt one thing: Satisfied. I know I obey the Lord and I did what exactly he wants me to be done.

This is my covenant with Jesus Christ: 

I believe and accept you, Lord as my personal Savior

I will take up my own cross and I will follow you...

I, Haneylyn Q. Pace, declaring that I belong to Jesus Christ and You, Satan has no longer power over me.


 Obedience brings blessing
(Play me)

Saturday 16 November 2013

A day worth remembering..

It was another day to be grateful about and I was equally honored and ecstatic to spent another precious time with my sister in Christ, Sis Melanie Calicdan of Kish Fellowship. Together with my beloved CSC family (Christ the Savior Church), we went to one of our favorite place "THE FARM" and spend quality time fellow-shipping, eating, sharing, laughing, and of course crabbing. It was one of the most important night I would say though was quickly planned, but the essence of it was flowed intimately. We got to know each other as one body of Christ. I also came to appreciate more the people of same faith (CSC family) how humble and meek they were. Despite of their simplicity, I find them extraordinary and unique on its own way. To be perfectly honest, I feel in love with them more and more each day. They deserved my full respect and of course to Tito Boy (our ELDER) who accommodated us for two nights and gave us a full access tour at "THE FARM". (Sorry fellow CSC family, medyo favorite lang ako ni Lord this time) LOL. He was so hospitable and kind-hearted. Ate Melanie and I wants him to be our "tatay" and I know he would be glad to have two beautiful daughters like us.. And of course to the rest of my brothers and sisters, I felt the same way to all of you. I'm so Thankful to God for, you are the answers to my prayers 5 months ago when I was still in Kish Island.

Talking about Kish Island again, I love the place so much from the bottom of my heart. As I was always saying, it was where I became a TRUE follower of Jesus Christ. Note that I emphasize here the word TRUE. Not all who came to know Christ become a True follower. Some thought they were but sad to say they are not. To be a true follower, it requires total surrender to the Lord. More than just believing and accepting but lifting up everything to Him including what you are wearing physically to let other people see you are part of the body of Christ. People should see the invisible and not the visible. In the bible, Jesus Christ kept on telling us that only through Him we can enter the Kingdom of God. John 14:6, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. This verse alone is self explanatory and i don't know why many cannot get it. May the Lord open their spiritual hearts to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven and the key is by reading the scriptures intimately.

By the grace of God the Father and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, I met ate Melanie of Kish Fellowship. The purpose of the Lord is so overwhelming. I was so blessed by her life and she, as well was totally rich and blessed. Somehow, I felt that she came to visit me here in Dibba, as a representative for the whole Kish fellowship group to witness my spiritual birth. Kish fellowship has impacted me a lot in faith and plays a big part of my total submission to God. I pray that in God's perfect time all her mourning will turn into complete joy. I believe God is healing her for whatever she felt in her body and slowly recuperating her brokenness. Glory and thanks be to God for her life. May God bless her abundantly including finding the right partner in the near future. I pray likewise.

Memories to be kept and remembered for a lifetime:

This was taken in what I called "The Farm". It was owned by a Sheikh. (ruler of Fujairah). We are so blessed that Tito Boy gave us free tour in the land. The place is so nice with lush of greens and colored flowers that are so familiar like "santan" and others that I forgot to ask for the names. It feels like we are only in the Philippines. Perhaps it is the reason why I felt no boredom and homesickness and the weather was good as well. Winter is fast approaching. I really love nature and beaches and God loves me so much that He led me to this place called Dibba. Life is simple and not complicated at all contrary to the city life. Its speaks to me. This is really me, simple things yet great joy.

Look at the aisle...Imagine walking here while someone is waiting for you, looking through your eyes with great content and happiness with a thought of how Great God is for giving Him what He deserved. 
(Hopeless romantic)I just wish I had better quality photos.

 Inside the villa and we are like little children so excited and very well pleased to see how nice and clean inside the villa was. If that's the case, how much more we would love the kingdom of heaven?I cant wait to see the things God has in stored to those who love Him.

Mandarin and Mangoes we harvested to be brought to Dubai for TFJ Family. How I wish Pastor Elmer was with us. Tito Boy Thanks so much!

The happy Kids with tito Boy...

Thank you Lord God for another beautiful life of experiences...

I love taking photos and I believe it speaks memories of the past. I love to reminisce and I already imagine myself looking at those beautiful places, people and events when I grow old. I may not become rich with lots of money being saved, at least I have enough experiences and tributes worth more than a fine gold. Most of all, by the Grace of God, He will add more and more riches to me through the things that cannot be counted with numbers.