Saturday 7 September 2013

Life is a beach: Fishing

 I belong here in Dibba for some reason and that includes my love for the ocean and fish.  
I was stuck in Al Ain one fourth of my early adult life and I did not get the chance to do the things I really wanted like fishing.Before, I thought my life here in Dibba would be as hell as Al Ain. Though partly I was prepared to live here, yet the joy and happiness I felt right now was totally strange and unexpected. It  happens right? when you think everything seems not ok but it turned out to be something you never thought would be alright.

Hmmmmm....I believe its part of God's plan that I'm here. He knows my heart, He knows my desires, He knows my needs and He knows better what lies ahead. I know something extraordinary will happen to me here in Dibba. What is it? It could be a Life changing event. I can slowly feel the changes. I'm happy and little by little came out of my shell.

 So, another Friday off was spent productively and joyfully. Blessed day indeed with my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. We went to Rul Dibba for some fishing. 

The so calm beach..I so love you...

I want to touch the water....
My wanderlust will not be complete without "emo" shots. Supposed to put a caption but  I'm disorganize to think for a better one.
alternative to fishing rod. It is much better because its light weight and inexpensive.

Our first huli.

Here, I am clinging the bait to the hook.

First attempt to fish. It's actually very exciting and so easy. The only hard part is when you are about get the hook out of the fish because it's slippery and bony.

technique ang pag hawak ng fish..

"Kinilaw"(kilawin) a raw fish soaked in vinegar. All the small fishes I caught, I made into this.

I guess I will come here too often. I love fishing.I love the beach.I love the salty water. I love the sun. I love everything that God has put me to be enjoyed and experienced.

"Wherever you are, know that God has put you there for a reason".

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