Thursday 16 January 2014

People that Inspires me 2013

This post is inspired by one of my favorite blogger/TV personality in the Philippines. I was looking at her new and updated blog site when I read about People of 2013 that inspires her. As I was reading throughout her posts and knew different people that impacted her life gigantically, it inspires me to make my own list too. Likewise, I met new friends that has become my inspiration for year 2013 and gave so much difference in my life now.

Here's my People of 2013:

 Pastor Elmer Duque

I met Pastor Elmer in the beautiful Island of Kish sometime in April of 2013. What draws me to him was his humble persona that I believe was completely different from who he was before he met the Lord. I was totally moved when I heard about his life-transforming testimony of his old life,old job and old characteristics. At that moment, filled with joy and hope, I thought for myself that I could change mine too with God's help. I too, has many past left overs that I want to forget. Imagine a former sinner turned mighty man of God?Indeed, God is a transformer God. He will exalt those who humble down before Him. Pastor Elmer is now ministering his own congregation called "True Follower of Jesus Christ". Indeed, he is a true follower.

""With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."- Matthew 19:26

 Bro. Bonn

Through a simple fb message we became friends. We are first introduced by Pastor Ramil when I attended a seminar called Dunamis in Dubai.I was in complete awe when he shared to me his experiences and journey with the Lord. He was a Pastor too but prefer to be called bro or kuya to those who are close to him. His words of encouragement lead me to read my bible daily and ask for the Lord the wisdom to understand His word not relying on preachers alone but to God who generously give wisdom to those who genuinely asked. He also taught me to be an open minded christian and to skip skepticism. As a believer, we are member of one body which is Christ is the head. Whether Gentile or Jew, we are one in the sight of the Lord. Whatever sect we belong to we must kept our mind and heart open, loving one another as what the Lord calls us to do. After all, we were all be judged individually. 

 "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.-1 John 4:7 

Sis Melanie

She is one of a kind..a rare species (lol). What I learn from ate Melanie is her endurance and perseverance in facing challenges and life's difficulties. I can't think of how she was able to handle everything smoothly despite of her immigration status. She is a picture of perfect strength that truly inspires me.Instead of wallowing on depression, she delight more gladly for it is Jesus Christ who strengthens her. The Lord use her mightily for a ministry, the Kish Fellowship in both UAE and Iran that now has become home to the lost sheep in Kish Island. Day by day they harvested souls for heaven. 

"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. - 2 Cor 12:9-10

Pastor Ron

I could not forget the day he preached the gospel of salvation in Venus hotel. I could feel the moving of the Holy Spirit when he started to do the Altar call. Since then, he's one of the Pastors that I admire so much. On our morning devotion, he was constantly making "dagdag" to our infant knowledge of the word of God. He was the first one to believe in me and to what God's gift that has in store for me. I could not forget the day that he declare it in one of our morning devotion after I preached the memorable Psalms 23. Even I, too was surprised with the revelations that God has put to me. When you pray, declare it because there's power in declaration as Pastor Ron always reiterate.

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 
1 The 5:11

Pastor Jomhar

Unbelievably young and full of wisdom. He is a true man of God with sense of integrity and faith. One of the most powerful and anointed Preacher/Pastor I encountered during my time in Kish. Though very young, I learn to submit on his leadership. Through him I was set free from being oppressed and demonized from some sort of childhood demonic forces (will explain later). He is one of the best mentor I had. 

"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds". 2 Cor 10:4


She is beautiful inside and out and I was so blessed knowing this young lady who have become my first motivation to learn more about the Lord. She was so nice, humble, slow to anger and even patient to us (with ate Claimen) during our kish days. She has full of wisdom and knowledge that really so enthralling. I want to be like her. A woman of faith. Having a beauty that's not gonna fleet because it comes from within.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised". Prov 31:30

Ate Emma

One of my first friend and ate her in Dibba. A very loving and supportive daughter plus a personality that never gets you boring. I wish I could be like her that can laugh and dance to the fullest. Her lovingly, kind heart and family oriented characteristics are what I wanted to imitate. I want to be more closer to my family especially to my Mom that now is a retired and getting old. 

Kuya Manny

He has deep and profound personality like me and one of my first ever adviser before I became part of Kish fellowship in Iran. Thinking now, maybe God has prepared me ahead by meeting Angel and kuya manny before He'll introduced me to a bigger one. We first formed a small group sharing each other's experiences at the sea side near farabi. Unlike the other, he was so generous and down to earth given his status in life. 


This Indian colleague of mine is surprisingly included on my list. There's nothing unusual about our friendship and we are not really that close except we shared the same faith as a born again christian. She was a former devotee Hindu and me, as a nominal Roman catholic. We are both baby Christians feeding milk but slowly introduced to a more solid food. As I was making my very own list of people for 2013, The thought of her comes. Maybe the Lord want me to realize something and it's bothering me. Hima, shows the worst in me, my very own weakness when it comes to treating fellow believer. I admit to be mean all the time to her whether in conversation or not. It troubled me because I was often convicted by my thoughts and actions. She's not even doing anything that against me. I believe Satan is using her and our work situation to provoked me. One time, Satan's tactics prevailed and I was really so angry with her with job-related reason. Satan took away my peace that day and bury inside me his pride and enmity.God who knows my heart made me realized that Satan's deception could ruin me and my Christian walk.   Later that day, I reach out to her by calling her up and say my sorry. That very day my peace has returned. God give it back to me the peace that Satan took by my obedience to Him.

"From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. Galatian 6:17

My Mom and the rest of my family

I love my family and they are my second priority in life next to God. The very reason why I am striving hard to be successful in life. I want to give the best that I can especially for my Mom but I always thought it would never be enough. I have a dream and a vision for them that only God knows and By His Grace it will all come true in His perfect time. Now, I was eyeing to build a small house for my Mom. She's getting older and she needs to be comfortable. I don't have a picture of perfect family and Glory to God He change my views in life. I no longer dwelt on the past which traumatized me. I learn to let go of it because there's a brighter future that God has prepared for me. 

"Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

Kish fellowship friends

Random people that I've met who have different characters but one spirit. I am a type of person who love to be surrounded with good, positive and not complicated individuals. I want less conflict better no conflict. I want peace, love and good laugh all the time and these people that now become my friends gave me such a feeling. I wished I could turn back the time and went all over again to Kish Island and spent time meaningfully there because all of them that I've met even the pastors will never be the same again. 

"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Colossians 3:12

What's interesting about all these people? They all have great impact in my life. I have become better and better and soon will bloom into someone that is pleasing to the Lord.  

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