Monday 31 March 2014

The 30/30 Challenge

I am taking the 30/30 challenge motivated by no other, one of my favorite authors to date, Joyce Meyer. First word I receive for the day from the book of Psalm chapter 119 verse 105, Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path. As I was meditating on the said scripture, one thing that comes into my mind. LIGHT, ILLUMINATION, LAMP that illuminates. Have you ever tried to be in the dark for quite some time that you have longed for at least a piece of light to lighten the place where you were?Maybe your parents forgot to pay the electricity bill, they will eventually.But how about a dark situation in your life where there is no more light you could see?

I believe all of us have faced a darkest life situation because everyone of us have fallen short of the Glory of one true God. Perhaps, mine has a little bit of light that slowly diminishing. Yours, could have been worst . However, I found the greatest energy supply that can fill my lamp of the strongest light, even more that forever I will no longer ran out of it. Through my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the light of the world as He said in His word and whoever wants to follow Him will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of Life (John 8:12). It is amazing that King David, who wrote the book of Psalms years before the messiah was born already knew the WORD of GOD who is to be the lamp for everyone's feet. JESUS CHRIST is the WORD of GOD (John 1:1).

I love how God's WORD illuminates my christian walk. In every difficulties I have encountered, only the WORD of GOD give me the wisdom on how to handle every details of it. The same as it has become a lamp to my feet, when everything is so vague like my current trials. I don't know if it is right to just step in without finding out from the very word of God if the decision I am going to make is from Him or my own accord. My christian friends kept on reminding me to pray in everything including His will.

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