Friday 21 March 2014

The Great Commission step 1

Sabbath Shalom!

I thank the Lord, Jesus Christ for by His grace I was able to meet and have fellowship again with my fellow brethren from Christ Living Stone Fellowship (CLSF-DUBAI). They came here in Dibba not minding the long-drive hours just to fulfill God's will and purpose. To WIN SOULS. I am so happy and grateful to God because He is so faithful, answering my prayers. I remember months ago, I enlisted on my prayer request this kind of task and mission and that, God would send someone who can help me fulfill this great commission. 

To be frank, I am reluctant to share the gospel of salvation. I am afraid people might refuse me if I'll talk to them about Christ and I also don't know how I would start. Though, I know some useful verses to set the ball rolling but the enemy (Satan) would often distract me and would instill spirit of doubt and hesitation in my heart.Like what happened at the park when our team came. We saw some group of Filipino people unwinding at the distance so we nestled next to them. Since I am the only one who’s from Dibba, I have to come and approach their group and invite them to join us. Though they didn't refuse, they came there as well for the same purpose and that they are already belong to a different Christian denomination. Again, my heart turned weary. I feel so much pressure because I don’t want our group’s effort to come meaningless. They came here all the way from Dubai. I don’t like the feeling and I know it is something that needs to be addressed.

Thanks be to God, the point of the message that was delivered by Ate Janet was really meant for me. In doing the great commission that God has given to us, we don’t have to be afraid and doubtful if we can do the task. Jesus promise that He will be with us always until the very end. He will surely be with us and He will guide us in what to speak (speak the truth). He will never leave nor forsake us. (Matthew 28:16-20, The Great Commission).

I feel comforted. I have to admit, I need someone who is a mature Christian that can constantly remind me of His word. God in His faithfulness always make a way to deliver His comforting messages to me by means of my fellow brethren. I don’t know what my future holds now, the path is vague and I cannot clearly visualize my future like what I used to do. Whatever it is, Thy will be done. God will equip those He called and qualifies them. May the Lord equip me with the right wisdom I needed if Evangelism is what He calls me to do.

Lastly, I am really so amazed how the dedication of ate Janet and Kuya Joel has for evangelism. Truly, their labor in the Lord is not in vain and their time is not wasted at all. Despite the fact that they already knew that the other group who were next to us is already part of some other Christian denomination, Ate Janet and Kuya Joel still went on their way to share the Gospel of salvation and have fellowship with them while we, served as a prayer warrior interceding for them. At the end, they all prayed the prayer of acceptance. I strongly believe that, the two groups have the same spirit. The Spirit of God. We ended our fellowship with a Sabbath Dinner. What a great way to cease the day.

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