Thursday 13 March 2014

Seek ye first

Shalom! is the word to describe how I feel at the moment. Funny because most of the time, I would get easily depressed after hearing bad news particularly if it involves my family members and just this afternoon when I received a phone call from my sister whose in Al Ain tackling about her daughter, our Mom and our finances back home. What surprises me is that I didn't feel so much burden after listening to her story which I normally does. Instead, the yoke is easy and light and I was at my very calm and peaceful manner. I even manage to sing, dance, make some jokes in between work and laugh. Though I cried but it was only for 5 minutes and the tears rolling down my cheeks are tears of unexpected joy.... and there comes a revelation: My conversation with Pastor Elmer yesterday (March 12,2014) and how God used him as a mouth piece to relay God's message concerning the predicament I was in.

Truly amazing because the message served as a preamble, a warning words before it would actually happen. A prophecy towards what is going to happen. At first, my understanding of Pastor Elmer's message is limited and I was kinda resistant to what does it imply. I thought that I was right when all I have dreamed of is to give my family anything they wanted and needed to the extent of sacrificing my own happiness. I even said to myself I would never be happy and contented until I can save my whole family from the lowest pit it has now departed. I know and always believe God will help me with constant prayer and petitions. Is this really what God want me to do?Or Am I overtaking God's own plan for them?and making my own decisions to what is good and better for their welfare?Am I trying to be God of my own providing for my family even if I cannot?Honestly, I do not know.All I have desired is for them to know God, live their remaining days before God, offer their life to God, obey the Lord, follow Him and Be saved. I guess, this is what all true Christ follower hoped for. Our family to be saved by God's Grace. (Acts 16:31)

But As for me and my house, We will serve the Lord- Joshua 24:15

In Matthew 11: 28-30, Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". When Pastor Elmer gave me the exact verse. The very first thought that sunk in to my foolish mind is this, I know and I did. There's a bit pride in my heart that I know the verse and I already come to Him. I may be knew the verse and memorize it but not really heartily understanding it and believing what it says. A very good promise of Jesus to those who believe in Him. Anyone, who will come and trust Him completely not relying on his/her own self will simply have rest. I need to rest, rest on thinking what will happen to me and to my family tomorrow. Rest on over thinking how I can be able to apply for my american dream, rest on planning for my future actions like purchasing house and lot, learning to drive and get driving license, travelling to different places, and so much more. Finally, rest on thinking about the guy who once invaded my dream in the beautiful kish Island and for a year now, I have never forgotten (Sigh).

Why not take rest with Jesus and let Him do the work?He has greater plans than I do or we do. Admittedly and I humbly proclaim, I need you Lord Jesus to take over my plans and do the rest of work for me. Apart from you , I can do nothing Lord and By your grace, you will fulfill your promises to me in your perfect time. I know your timing is always right and just.

In all these, I learn the importance of Seek ye first in every situation. Always seek His approval and submit to Him everything cause our God is Omniscient God (All knowing), before you think, it is already known to Him.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to our Heavenly Father, for by His grace, I am saved and called upon to become His child through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. In Him, I am justified and made righteous through His finished work on the cross of Calvary. Indeed,  He is God who never fails to answer our prayers, A God who is our ever present help in trouble. Our refuge and strength (Psalms 43). Thank you Lord for always sending me an angelic message by means of Pastor Elmer, every time I got seriously in trouble and cried out to you, He is always there to be your mouth piece. I don't know what's the significance of all these, but one thing for sure, it is not a co incidence rather a prophetic message. And to my fellow Brothers and Sisters in kish fellowship: Ate Melanie, Kuya Marasigan, Kuya Arman, and Ate Cathy. Thank you from the bottom of my feeble heart. I love you all with the love of the Lord. My day starting March 12, 2014 would never be the same again. As a christian, we continuously walk in never ending lesson learning. We may stumble due to our poor judgement and decision making but God disciplines us for our good. Oftentimes, we misinterpreted His discipline, have discouraged. Dare not, the Lord disciplines the one He loves. (Hebrew 12:-6). He loves us.

Pastor Elmer

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