Friday 14 February 2014

Here's to my Love

This is love:  not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

Who can ever say to me that Single on Valentines day is boring?

I certainly disagree. Single ladies, friends, Romans,Countrymen: I have something to tell you. There is no such thing as boring as long as you know how to be content on who you were with. In my case, I have Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and this day of love is just another day to give back to Him the love He showed to me on the cross of Calvary when He died for my sins. What a wonderful feeling that I start my day right by praising Him and ends it worshiping His Holy name.

Thank you Jesus for being my Valentine not just today but forever and ever.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Dubai Marina

Dubai has becoming the most popular destination for tourist nowadays and it gained popularity even stronger after they won their bid for the World Expo 2020 that was announced last year in November beating to host the event against Izmir in Turkey, Sao Paulo in Brazil, and Yekaterinburg in Russia. Another milestone for Emirat and with the vision of the Crown Prince of Dubai, it is certainly a place you wouldn't missed to explore and every traveler must include in their very own "places to see before dying".

Of course, I can proudly say, I visited Dubai. I've been to Dubai and I know Dubai. In my 4 years here in United Arab Emirates, I decided to settle in the near provinces for my comfort  because City Life for me is a big no-no. I don't think I can handle all the stress and the fast paced living. It is much easier for me to live in the nearby area and just visit Dubai once in a while for some weekend getaway. In such a way,  it will not make me immune to its beautiful and wondrous infrastructures.

 At the Dubai marina..The Largest man made marina in the world and this twisted building is called the cayan Tower

WOMAN OF FAITH: Single lady

This Valentines day, I feel loved as never before. This year is completely different from my previous hearts day moment. In all honesty, I've never tried romantic dinner dates on the exact February 14th, even to receive bouquet of flowers and chocolates as many couple does. Probably because my ex's aren't that romantic or something like romance-phobic?whichever, I believe God is preparing for me a suitable man that make me shudder in delight and can perfectly give me once in a lifetime experience better than a fancy dinner and stuff. 

Moreover, I believe that it was the transforming work of God in my life that I delight myself now being single. Before I knew the Lord and accept Him in my life, I always thought that happiness and contentment can only be achieved if you find your right partner. I still believe though, but more than that, it was in God's presence that gives me much joy and happiness and I submit to Him. God also taught me how to love unconditionally. How can I love if I am hostile and distant?How can I care for the one I love if only I want is to be loved?I remember, my ex would always complain to me that I didn't care for his feelings, for his needs and his love for me. The truth is, I do care. It's just that, I don't know how to show my affection unto him and at that point of our relationship, I was realizing that something was missing in the puzzle. Sadly, we ended our relationship and settled as friends. 

The peace and calmness I have now is a gift from God that I freely received. By His grace, He changed my perception about love and relationship. He put an emphasis on me the importance of  love first and foremost, to Him who undoubtedly love me more than I can imagine. To my family, who is my inspiration to have a better and strong family of my own in the future; to my fellow believer in the body of Christ, who strengthen me and to everyone for this is what God commands us to do. To love one another (John 13:34-35).

God is love and because I love God and I abide in His promises. I am waiting for  His perfect time to reveal His plans to me. As what my Pastor often told me when I was still in kish, "Hingin mo kay Lord" phrase will always include in my prayers. There's a certain dream that I had in Kish Island. I saw a guy wearing white polo and I was walking towards Him. He call my name but I don't know his. In my dream I was puzzled and clearly saw His face (a filipino) only, when I woke up, I forgot what he looks like except for his smile. He has the most beautiful smile. (Thinking on that dream now and how it made me smile).

Love is patient and the one who is impatient is not really in love. 


Thursday 6 February 2014

The Perks of being single

I'm happily single and proudly survive my "not in a relationship status" for a year and half now. What's good about being single is that you get the chance to try exciting new things, have more quality time for yourself without worrying what your partner would think of you and your out of this world ideas, meeting different people (boys and girls) not ended up with nonsense quarrels when caught by your  partner talking with someone else (Jealousy,a common problem of many couples).

Though I have to admit, being a single among lovers is depressing but its normal feeling and I get used to it. As you aged, you mature enough to wait for the right person that God wants you to have in His own perfect time and patience is the key here. While waiting, enjoy His love and grace and do things that only pleases Him.

My Dubai trip now is another chance for me to spend time alone, fulfilling my dream of travelling solo and experiencing things I've never done my whole life. Quite interesting and challenging even, asking for random people to take you a photo. Finding locations with the help of google map, asking for directions to the people you've encounter along the way and the never ending walking and walking. Plus, you can make friends with fellow travelers as well. I'm looking forward for future travels.

The perk is the relationship with my Creator. I have more quality time with Him now, knowing Him intimately and serving Him alone. I like when apostle Paul said in one of His letters concerning singleness. It is much happier to live and remain single because those who marry will face many troubles in this life which I totally agree. It is true from the word of God. However, if you cannot control your passion might as well get married for it is better than to be burned with lust. In addition what concerns unmarried is how to please the Lord while those married has divided devotion between His/her love for their partners/children and the Lord.

I believe we all have our own God-given destiny. If God's will for you, remain single or have a happy married life. The most important thing a Christ follower must remember is 2 Cor 6:14, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers". And always abide in the love of God.

As of now, I am happily single and by the grace of God I will meet my man in the midst of my random travels.