Saturday 31 August 2013

Life is a beach!

Who doesn't like the beach?
I am a certified beach lover.
One of the primary reasons as to why I love the beach so much is because it makes me relaxed, have fun in the water and enjoy life like a little child.

Beach is also happened to be my secret sanctuary (not anymore as it is now revealed).

A place where I can just sit and listen to the waves like its speaks to my soul..

When I'm meditating, I'm imagining talking to God on the shore..

It is where I saw a vision of me meeting my future husband...(Oha!)

Presently, I live in Fujairah. In Dibba, Fujairah to be exact. It is situated in the farthest area of UAE where no one would dare to live especially if you have hustle and bustle city life.The time I found out I would be assigned in here, I was totally disappointed. Though I love countryside but,  I was expecting to work in my company's main Hospital in the city to get the experience I needed for my HAAD (Health Authority Abu Dhabi). Sadly, it all concludes here.
Well, my Heavenly Father knows what is best for me. He is the one who gave me this job. So, as much as I wanted to freak out, I humbled down and prayed and asked Him for protection and deliverance.

Now, truly I can say I'm happy and Blessed.

My first and initial reaction when I'm on the beach is to feel the water and the waves with my happy feet.

The massive flight of birds signifies good and plenty catch..

 As my new sister celebrated her natal day, we opted to go to the beach near Le meridien Hotel. It's a public beach well maintained and beautiful. The ocean waves are perfect for surfing. The time we came, a group of Bengalis were fishing.

We are excited to join the crowd of fishers and bystanders just to avail fish for free. They just throwing the smaller ones. I think locals here are not fun of eating "galunggong'.
Quite a catch.. There's so many fishes in the sea.Why settle for galungong, if you can catch a king fish?

My new family in Dibba.. The lady in all pink is the one who celebrated her birthday.

Surfing. A new "must try" to do in my list.

Not everyone may love the sun kissed skin but as for me? who cares? Life is a Beach!


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