Sunday 18 August 2013

Searching..Seeking.. And Finding True love

I long to be loved and I long to be wanted. I have this hole in my heart that is hungry to be filled. For many years have passed, I have never met anyone worthy filling the emptiness. Though temporarily yes, but the cycle is still the same. Hello love today, Goodbye love tomorrow.

Is there anyone worthy to fill our emptiness?a hole in our hearts that searching and seeking for something you cannot explain?

Certainly yes. By having an intimate relationship with Christ. A guy's feelings for a girl may change but Christ's love for us will always be the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. He is the only one who can turn our emptiness into complete happiness. Perhaps the hole in each persons heart is meant to be filled by the only one supreme being and that is God. His love is complete, perfect and full. He is our only TRUE LOVE.

As it is written:

Matt. 6:33 " Seek ye first thy kingdom of God and His righteousness and all this things shall be added unto you".


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