Monday 26 August 2013


Anyone coming to Kish Island would not miss KISH ISLAND TOUR for the world. And so am I. It's a beautiful island with lots of things to do and attractions to look forward to. Not only that, as a person with an interest in diverse culture and passion for wanderlust. I guess exploring the Island is one big time opportunity for me to start accomplishing that dream. It is far better than just sitting in my hotel room waiting for time to pass while everyone have an itch to rove. It's boring with a capital B.

If somebody knocks on your hotel room.Do not worry and stop being so paranoid. It's either:

1. Roodaki (restaurant with fil-indian food made to order and deliver)
2. Tiangge (tinda ng mga damit, sabon, make up, shampoo, pagkain at many more name it you can have it there's no need for you to stroll down as of everything is available in front of your door)
3 .Walking salon (manicure,pedicure, hair cut, hair coloring, rebonding and threading)
4. Hotel receptionists (for payment every 10 days of stay and iran visa. sucks!*in farabi hotel*)
5. KISH ISLAND TOUR invites (which available everyday and costs 10ead per/pax with rented coaster van and free welcome drinks).
7. Solicitors.
8. Your Room mates.
9. KISH Fellowship invitation (I, myself once knocked every door in my floor to invite them to join our daily service. Too bad not all responded every time I asked. It's for the Lord people!We are lucky enough to have such kind of fellowship with hard worker servants of Christ giving encouragement and sharing the gospel of salvation in the Island).

- Quite a list but as you can see, Its fun in Kish Island. All we have to do is to make our stay memorable and enjoyable. But more importantly, to answer God's call. He's been calling everyone to repent and make quality time for Him. His grace and mercy and blessings and love has been poured to everyone who is willing to accept Him. Repentance is the key. Ask for forgiveness and you will see... I'm not promoting Kish Fellowship here. I believe it's God's fellowship and those people behind it was all God's chosen to serve Him proclaiming the good news. And I'm one of them. Thank you Lord.


 Our First stop was in what they called Traditional Water Reservoir.No available information. Our tour guide at that time was only talking to herself and those in front of her. (we are sitting at the back)
Next, was the The Green Tree. It is said to be the oldest tree around 600 years old. Young people and couples make wishes here. They said if you wanna find your soul mate you must go to this tree.haha! ( I remember way back 2010, I went here and they told us when you make a wish, you have to tie at least a piece of thread from your clothe to make it come true. I did. The result?Negative.Zero.As in WALANG NANGYARI.

The time I was there was holiday season. Most of the attractions were crowded with tourists from different nationalities. Particularly the famous Greek Ship. It ran aground in 1966 on Kish Island while it was on its way to Greece.It's a beautiful way to watch the sunset.

The Greek ship that ran offshore.

I suppose to try this but my friend refused. How I wished i really did try. 

This, I don't know what they called but it was near to the huge anchor. 

The Huge Anchor.
If I'm not mistaken it was recorded as guiness largest anchor in the world. Correct me if I am wrong. We are not well informed.

 (While uploading this photos I realize We only visited 4 famous attractions in Kish. There's a lot more pa.)

 The beach side near Farabi hotel. Only 5 minutes walk.

I survived my stay in Kish. I love it and I learn so many things from people I have met. My experiences in the Island was incredible and worth keeping. I know one thing. It was the transforming work of God that amazes me. 

Thank you, Lord.

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