Thursday 21 November 2013

Put your Faith into Action

"I was on the beach with my family when I saw a group of people gathered together in the sea. There was a girl encircled by three elders (by their looks and appearances) and after a couple of minutes, she was immersed in the water for a second. As she was lifted up to grasp some air, the people around were clapping their hands and uttered some words that at that time I did not look a second to understand".

I ask my Mom what they were doing and she told me, some religious practices of Born Again Christians and they were baptizing each person, symbolized their change of belief and membership in the church. She also added, not to attend on such practices and to avoid them as much as I could (Without knowing that I would become one of them). In my curiosity, I did not bother to ask her furthermore as to why, who and what they believed. All my questions and words that left unspoken was answered little by little as I walk in to the path of what we called LIFE. Perhaps, it is God's given destiny that I will know Him by my own free will. Not by an influenced of a church member/denominations, a priests, pastors, friends, family members, boyfriend, but my own self. I seek His face. I seek Him with all my heart in times, when darkness overshadowed me. 

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" Jeremiah 29:13

Now that I found and knew Jesus Christ, by the wisdom and understanding that only God the father showed to those who love and truly seek Him, I decided to give up everything and follow my Lord. I give up my old self and that includes my sinful nature and have decided to be BORN AGAIN. I raised my faith supernaturally and put it into action by obeying God's command and that is to be Baptized by water. I can boldly say, its God's command and It was in TFJ's faith house when God revealed it to me. Even from the very start I confessed my faith, I already planned for baptism but the vision God gave me was clearly showed how important for a believer to be baptized. When God tells you to do something, DO IT. Every steps we take are ordered by God and I know I'm one step ahead of you. 

Many of my friends or even a lot of people would probably asked why do Christians need to be baptized in water?or re-baptized if they already was (as infants) or what's the point of being immersed in the water if you already knew and believed in God and accepted Him as your lord and savior? Simple. Again Obedience. Jesus Christ set an example to us and to the world  by being baptized even though He was without sin. It is the first phase every believer should do to fulfill all righteousness, to be born again (Matt 3:13-17 about baptism of Jesus Christ).  Water baptism symbolizes new birth. The death of a person's sinful life and the rebirth of spiritual life. It also symbolizes Christ's death and resurrection. As it is written:

Romans 6:3-6
Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin

I put my faith in action. I admit that I am a sinner and by the Grace of God, I am forgiven. Nobody forced me to be baptized, and it was clear to me that baptism in water is not for membership in any congregation or church contrary to my previous perception. I, willingly offered my life to the lamb who once took His life for me. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me(Gal 2:20). Therefore, I am a new creation. The old self has gone and the new is here (2 Cor 5:17). I am BORN AGAIN. 

On my previous blog, I declare that God will do something to me supernaturally and there must be 
a big and significant reason as to why I am here in Dibba. Aside from oceans are close to my heart, It is where I was baptized and my God's given destiny was fulfilled. 

I choose to be baptized early morning as the sun rises symbolizes new day and new beginning. I thank the Lord God, for giving me a family in Christ (my beloved CSC) who was there and are witnessed to my undying faith and love to the Lord. As I was being immersed in the water, I only felt one thing: Satisfied. I know I obey the Lord and I did what exactly he wants me to be done.

This is my covenant with Jesus Christ: 

I believe and accept you, Lord as my personal Savior

I will take up my own cross and I will follow you...

I, Haneylyn Q. Pace, declaring that I belong to Jesus Christ and You, Satan has no longer power over me.


 Obedience brings blessing
(Play me)

Saturday 16 November 2013

A day worth remembering..

It was another day to be grateful about and I was equally honored and ecstatic to spent another precious time with my sister in Christ, Sis Melanie Calicdan of Kish Fellowship. Together with my beloved CSC family (Christ the Savior Church), we went to one of our favorite place "THE FARM" and spend quality time fellow-shipping, eating, sharing, laughing, and of course crabbing. It was one of the most important night I would say though was quickly planned, but the essence of it was flowed intimately. We got to know each other as one body of Christ. I also came to appreciate more the people of same faith (CSC family) how humble and meek they were. Despite of their simplicity, I find them extraordinary and unique on its own way. To be perfectly honest, I feel in love with them more and more each day. They deserved my full respect and of course to Tito Boy (our ELDER) who accommodated us for two nights and gave us a full access tour at "THE FARM". (Sorry fellow CSC family, medyo favorite lang ako ni Lord this time) LOL. He was so hospitable and kind-hearted. Ate Melanie and I wants him to be our "tatay" and I know he would be glad to have two beautiful daughters like us.. And of course to the rest of my brothers and sisters, I felt the same way to all of you. I'm so Thankful to God for, you are the answers to my prayers 5 months ago when I was still in Kish Island.

Talking about Kish Island again, I love the place so much from the bottom of my heart. As I was always saying, it was where I became a TRUE follower of Jesus Christ. Note that I emphasize here the word TRUE. Not all who came to know Christ become a True follower. Some thought they were but sad to say they are not. To be a true follower, it requires total surrender to the Lord. More than just believing and accepting but lifting up everything to Him including what you are wearing physically to let other people see you are part of the body of Christ. People should see the invisible and not the visible. In the bible, Jesus Christ kept on telling us that only through Him we can enter the Kingdom of God. John 14:6, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. This verse alone is self explanatory and i don't know why many cannot get it. May the Lord open their spiritual hearts to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven and the key is by reading the scriptures intimately.

By the grace of God the Father and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, I met ate Melanie of Kish Fellowship. The purpose of the Lord is so overwhelming. I was so blessed by her life and she, as well was totally rich and blessed. Somehow, I felt that she came to visit me here in Dibba, as a representative for the whole Kish fellowship group to witness my spiritual birth. Kish fellowship has impacted me a lot in faith and plays a big part of my total submission to God. I pray that in God's perfect time all her mourning will turn into complete joy. I believe God is healing her for whatever she felt in her body and slowly recuperating her brokenness. Glory and thanks be to God for her life. May God bless her abundantly including finding the right partner in the near future. I pray likewise.

Memories to be kept and remembered for a lifetime:

This was taken in what I called "The Farm". It was owned by a Sheikh. (ruler of Fujairah). We are so blessed that Tito Boy gave us free tour in the land. The place is so nice with lush of greens and colored flowers that are so familiar like "santan" and others that I forgot to ask for the names. It feels like we are only in the Philippines. Perhaps it is the reason why I felt no boredom and homesickness and the weather was good as well. Winter is fast approaching. I really love nature and beaches and God loves me so much that He led me to this place called Dibba. Life is simple and not complicated at all contrary to the city life. Its speaks to me. This is really me, simple things yet great joy.

Look at the aisle...Imagine walking here while someone is waiting for you, looking through your eyes with great content and happiness with a thought of how Great God is for giving Him what He deserved. 
(Hopeless romantic)I just wish I had better quality photos.

 Inside the villa and we are like little children so excited and very well pleased to see how nice and clean inside the villa was. If that's the case, how much more we would love the kingdom of heaven?I cant wait to see the things God has in stored to those who love Him.

Mandarin and Mangoes we harvested to be brought to Dubai for TFJ Family. How I wish Pastor Elmer was with us. Tito Boy Thanks so much!

The happy Kids with tito Boy...

Thank you Lord God for another beautiful life of experiences...

I love taking photos and I believe it speaks memories of the past. I love to reminisce and I already imagine myself looking at those beautiful places, people and events when I grow old. I may not become rich with lots of money being saved, at least I have enough experiences and tributes worth more than a fine gold. Most of all, by the Grace of God, He will add more and more riches to me through the things that cannot be counted with numbers. 

Saturday 14 September 2013

WOMAN OF FAITH: I am Awesome!

Hey ladies out there! Do you feel rejected, alone, discriminated, insecure, inferior, ugly, weak,hated, shy, less popular and sinner? So am I, before I knew Jesus and accept Him in my life. I had an extreme feeling of abandonment and unworthy to be loved. But look at me now, I am a woman of faith. In Christ alone, I surrender all my negative feelings and slowly He recuperate my shredded heart. 

You can too. Ask God and He will make a way for you. He is just a prayer away.

We deserved to be loved, we deserved to be happy and we deserved to be treated with respect.

So here's a video that someone had shared to me through my Facebook account. It is worth watching because it defines who you really are as a woman in the eyes of God. 

We are awesome!
We are the children of the living God.
Be a Woman of Faith.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Life is a beach: Fishing

 I belong here in Dibba for some reason and that includes my love for the ocean and fish.  
I was stuck in Al Ain one fourth of my early adult life and I did not get the chance to do the things I really wanted like fishing.Before, I thought my life here in Dibba would be as hell as Al Ain. Though partly I was prepared to live here, yet the joy and happiness I felt right now was totally strange and unexpected. It  happens right? when you think everything seems not ok but it turned out to be something you never thought would be alright.

Hmmmmm....I believe its part of God's plan that I'm here. He knows my heart, He knows my desires, He knows my needs and He knows better what lies ahead. I know something extraordinary will happen to me here in Dibba. What is it? It could be a Life changing event. I can slowly feel the changes. I'm happy and little by little came out of my shell.

 So, another Friday off was spent productively and joyfully. Blessed day indeed with my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. We went to Rul Dibba for some fishing. 

The so calm beach..I so love you...

I want to touch the water....
My wanderlust will not be complete without "emo" shots. Supposed to put a caption but  I'm disorganize to think for a better one.
alternative to fishing rod. It is much better because its light weight and inexpensive.

Our first huli.

Here, I am clinging the bait to the hook.

First attempt to fish. It's actually very exciting and so easy. The only hard part is when you are about get the hook out of the fish because it's slippery and bony.

technique ang pag hawak ng fish..

"Kinilaw"(kilawin) a raw fish soaked in vinegar. All the small fishes I caught, I made into this.

I guess I will come here too often. I love fishing.I love the beach.I love the salty water. I love the sun. I love everything that God has put me to be enjoyed and experienced.

"Wherever you are, know that God has put you there for a reason".

Sunday 1 September 2013


Sometime in September 2012, a good person nearest to my heart asked me the most vital question in life. What do you want to do, haney?In most of the conversation we had, I think half of it would rise to this question that I never bothered to answer. Until one day, I realized I have a need that no one is fit to provide. What is it? I hardly found the answer on my own intellectual level.

In times like this, the only weapon we can use to give us the most critical answers to our troubles is prayers. A Prayer can move mountains as long as you have instilled an unshaken faith. Though sometimes it’s hard to figure out God’s responses to every supplication but He will provide a way to show the direction and path He made for us.

I prayed to God to help me understand the things I need and to fill my longing. God is faithful. God himself is the answer. He is the one I needed. He is the one I wanted. He is the one I’m longing for so long to be always with me. Certainly, God is with me. He will never leave nor forsake me as He has promised.

What I want to do?

I already found the answer but more than want..I found what I need.

Saturday 31 August 2013

In the depths of longing..

Love , can't you see I'm alone
Can't you give this fool a chance
A little love is all I ask
A little kindness in the night
Please don't leave me behind
No , don't tell me love is blind
A little love is all I ask
And that is all
Ooh love , I've been searchin' so long
I've been searchin' high and low
And little love is all I ask
A little sadness when you go
Maybe you'll need a friend
Only please don't let's pretend
A little love is all I ask
And that is all
** I wanna spread my wings
But I just can't fly
As a string of pearls
The pretty girls go sailin' by
Ocean deep
I'm so afraid to show my feelings
I have sailed a million ceilings
Solitary room

Ocean deep
Will I ever find a lover
Maybe he has found another
And as I cry myself to sleep
I know this love of mine I'll keep
Ocean deep
Now , can't you hear when I call
Can't you hear the word I say
A little love is all I ask
A little feelin' when we touch
Why am I still alone
I've got a heart without a home
A little love is all I ask
And that is all..

Life is a beach!

Who doesn't like the beach?
I am a certified beach lover.
One of the primary reasons as to why I love the beach so much is because it makes me relaxed, have fun in the water and enjoy life like a little child.

Beach is also happened to be my secret sanctuary (not anymore as it is now revealed).

A place where I can just sit and listen to the waves like its speaks to my soul..

When I'm meditating, I'm imagining talking to God on the shore..

It is where I saw a vision of me meeting my future husband...(Oha!)

Presently, I live in Fujairah. In Dibba, Fujairah to be exact. It is situated in the farthest area of UAE where no one would dare to live especially if you have hustle and bustle city life.The time I found out I would be assigned in here, I was totally disappointed. Though I love countryside but,  I was expecting to work in my company's main Hospital in the city to get the experience I needed for my HAAD (Health Authority Abu Dhabi). Sadly, it all concludes here.
Well, my Heavenly Father knows what is best for me. He is the one who gave me this job. So, as much as I wanted to freak out, I humbled down and prayed and asked Him for protection and deliverance.

Now, truly I can say I'm happy and Blessed.

My first and initial reaction when I'm on the beach is to feel the water and the waves with my happy feet.

The massive flight of birds signifies good and plenty catch..

 As my new sister celebrated her natal day, we opted to go to the beach near Le meridien Hotel. It's a public beach well maintained and beautiful. The ocean waves are perfect for surfing. The time we came, a group of Bengalis were fishing.

We are excited to join the crowd of fishers and bystanders just to avail fish for free. They just throwing the smaller ones. I think locals here are not fun of eating "galunggong'.
Quite a catch.. There's so many fishes in the sea.Why settle for galungong, if you can catch a king fish?

My new family in Dibba.. The lady in all pink is the one who celebrated her birthday.

Surfing. A new "must try" to do in my list.

Not everyone may love the sun kissed skin but as for me? who cares? Life is a Beach!


Thursday 29 August 2013

#Throwback: My Journey to Kish Part 3

Two years back, I faced a vast change on my spiritual life. I have become cold and distant to my used belief and begun to question my religion. I was confused about my faith and started to doubt whose God is real. Doubt that prompted me to deny Jesus as the Christ, Lord and Savior. Soon after, I became like a little flower slowly withered. My life seemed like a roller coaster ride.

In the depths of my heart, I know something is missing. I believe there is one true God who created all things,heaven and earth.  However, I don't know who He really was. Although I'm going to church attending mass every Sunday but there's no personal relationship.

I want to know the truth. I was hungry for it. I seek for it. I was praying for it.

 Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek,and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, andto him who knocks it will be opened”.

 Since then, God moved mightily in my life. I remember it was my last day of work in EIH (January 3rd of this year) when my Indian colleague shared to me the Gospel of Salvation. It was the first time I heard about it and left me a question that stunned me for a moment, “Do you want to accept Jesus? For a minute, I think about all the storms I have encountered in all aspects (emotionally, financially, physically,mentally and spiritually) beginning January 2011.   I do want to have God in my life. I want to live in peace, love, harmony, calm, stress free life. If only God can give it to me then who am I to say no to Him?. I said yes and she offers me a prayer.Later, she endorsed me to another colleague and I started attending Christian fellowship thereafter.

God’s mighty work didn't stop there. Along run I still confronted with so many trials. But this time I have this confidence that I can surpass through it all. The moment I accepted Jesus in my life, He already lives in me. No matter how big my problem was present at that time, it’s no match for the power of Almighty God. My sincere friends kept on bombarding me and are the ones who were very upset with my situation. I was just calm and confident though a little anxious for what’s going to happen but I kept still.

Finally, the time came when I needed to follow my God's command. By His will, I went to the Beautiful Kish Island and have become true follower of Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, I have changed. Before I denied Him but now I'm helping proclaiming the gospel for the glory of His name.

1 Cor. 1:9 God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  
( Thank you Lord that I have become part of your fellowship and to Pastor Ramil who influenced me to join the group.God knows your heart Pastor and no matter what they say about you. It is not for them to condemn but God alone.)

Rom. 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

( with my co Heirs with Christ and my first ever assigned work to do: WORD OF GOD)

Psalms 23

The Lord is my shepherd;

I shall not want.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil;

For You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;

You anoint my head with oil;

My cup runs over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life;

And I will dwell[a] in the house of the Lord

 In Zaffran Restaurant after service


the first outdoor fellowship I attended with Pastor Robert

Our usual activity after morning devotion. Picture taking with Pastor Ron.

This photo made me to dream of going to Africa and do missionary works.

Sister Linda and some old guy who was constantly attending our services in Khatam Hotel.
Sister Linda is one of the most powerful preacher during our time in Kish. I asked her once to preach in Khatam and before I left I convinced her again to preach in Zaffran Restaurant.

Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.- Martin Luther
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. God is bigger than my problems. I already planted a seed of faith in my heart. A seed that even as a small as mustard, can overcome my entire adversary. 


Monday 26 August 2013


Anyone coming to Kish Island would not miss KISH ISLAND TOUR for the world. And so am I. It's a beautiful island with lots of things to do and attractions to look forward to. Not only that, as a person with an interest in diverse culture and passion for wanderlust. I guess exploring the Island is one big time opportunity for me to start accomplishing that dream. It is far better than just sitting in my hotel room waiting for time to pass while everyone have an itch to rove. It's boring with a capital B.

If somebody knocks on your hotel room.Do not worry and stop being so paranoid. It's either:

1. Roodaki (restaurant with fil-indian food made to order and deliver)
2. Tiangge (tinda ng mga damit, sabon, make up, shampoo, pagkain at many more name it you can have it there's no need for you to stroll down as of everything is available in front of your door)
3 .Walking salon (manicure,pedicure, hair cut, hair coloring, rebonding and threading)
4. Hotel receptionists (for payment every 10 days of stay and iran visa. sucks!*in farabi hotel*)
5. KISH ISLAND TOUR invites (which available everyday and costs 10ead per/pax with rented coaster van and free welcome drinks).
7. Solicitors.
8. Your Room mates.
9. KISH Fellowship invitation (I, myself once knocked every door in my floor to invite them to join our daily service. Too bad not all responded every time I asked. It's for the Lord people!We are lucky enough to have such kind of fellowship with hard worker servants of Christ giving encouragement and sharing the gospel of salvation in the Island).

- Quite a list but as you can see, Its fun in Kish Island. All we have to do is to make our stay memorable and enjoyable. But more importantly, to answer God's call. He's been calling everyone to repent and make quality time for Him. His grace and mercy and blessings and love has been poured to everyone who is willing to accept Him. Repentance is the key. Ask for forgiveness and you will see... I'm not promoting Kish Fellowship here. I believe it's God's fellowship and those people behind it was all God's chosen to serve Him proclaiming the good news. And I'm one of them. Thank you Lord.


 Our First stop was in what they called Traditional Water Reservoir.No available information. Our tour guide at that time was only talking to herself and those in front of her. (we are sitting at the back)
Next, was the The Green Tree. It is said to be the oldest tree around 600 years old. Young people and couples make wishes here. They said if you wanna find your soul mate you must go to this tree.haha! ( I remember way back 2010, I went here and they told us when you make a wish, you have to tie at least a piece of thread from your clothe to make it come true. I did. The result?Negative.Zero.As in WALANG NANGYARI.

The time I was there was holiday season. Most of the attractions were crowded with tourists from different nationalities. Particularly the famous Greek Ship. It ran aground in 1966 on Kish Island while it was on its way to Greece.It's a beautiful way to watch the sunset.

The Greek ship that ran offshore.

I suppose to try this but my friend refused. How I wished i really did try. 

This, I don't know what they called but it was near to the huge anchor. 

The Huge Anchor.
If I'm not mistaken it was recorded as guiness largest anchor in the world. Correct me if I am wrong. We are not well informed.

 (While uploading this photos I realize We only visited 4 famous attractions in Kish. There's a lot more pa.)

 The beach side near Farabi hotel. Only 5 minutes walk.

I survived my stay in Kish. I love it and I learn so many things from people I have met. My experiences in the Island was incredible and worth keeping. I know one thing. It was the transforming work of God that amazes me. 

Thank you, Lord.